First Call for Ideas to Revise California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards for 2022
An initial call for ideas to revise the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (the “Building Standards”), Title 24, Part 6, has been issued by the Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) team. The CASE initiative is a utility-sponsored group that works closely with the Energy Commission to identify opportunities to revise, and provide data and analysis to support proposed changes to, the state's Building Standards. California’s Building Standards are revised every three years through a pre-rulemaking and rulemaking process administered by the California Energy Commission. The currently effective code is the 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.
The CASE Team’s call for ideas is the first request for stakeholder input on topics for the next cycle of Building Standards development, the 2022 cycle. Two stakeholder meetings via webinar are scheduled for February 8th and 25th to discuss possible revisions to the multifamily building requirements in the code, including consideration of a new multifamily chapter. The CASE team is also seeking ideas for new measures to the code by January 31st. Early recommendations for 2022 code changes should be submitted through the CASE website.
If you have any questions regarding California’s building codes or the cyclic process updating the code, please contact ESHD attorneys Jeff Harris () or Chase Maxwell () or by phone at 916-447-2166.