In 2018 the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) authorized limited pilot programs allowing permitted autonomous vehicle (AV) companies to offer free passenger service in California. In January, the CPUC initiated proceedings to address the continued testing of AVs and related issues. See CPUC Opens New AV Rulemaking Process.
This week the CPUC issued a new Proposed Decision that recommends allowing drivered and driverless AVs to collect fares from riders. In addition, the Proposed Decision would establish other new rules, program goals, and reporting requirements for the new phase of AV testing. In summary, the Proposed Decision recommends that the CPUC:
Opening comments on the Proposed Decision are due November 4, 2020 and reply comments November 9, 2020. The Proposed Decision is expected to be scheduled for vote by the CPUC at its November 19, 2020 business meeting.
Contact: Lynn Haug and Ron Liebert