Load Serving Entities File Integrated Resource Plans
On August 1, 2018, Investor Owned Utilities (“IOUs”), Community Choice Aggregators (“CCAs”) and Electricity Service Providers (“ESPs”) filed Integrated Resource Plans (“IRPs”) with the CPUC. SB 350 requires the CPUC to collect these IRPs and prepare a single, system-wide “preferred plan”, with the goal of meeting long term (2030) greenhouse gas targets. The IRP process replaces the former Long Term Procurement Planning (“LTPP”) proceedings, and will guide and/or authorize procurement of new generation resources among the Commission jurisdictional Load Serving Entities. The CPUC will prepare the preferred plan in the third and fourth quarters of 2018, and will issue a final decision in late 2018 adopting a final preferred system plan. Community Choice Aggregators and ESPs remain responsible for authorizing their own procurement in furtherance of the SB 350 IRP goals and planning standards. Later this year, the publicly owned utilities will file their IRPs with the California Energy Commission. If you have questions about the IRP process, please contact Brian Biering at or (916) 447-2166.