CPUC Sets a 2 GW IRP Procurement Target
The California Public Utilities Commission issued a ruling in the Integrated Resource Planning ("IRP") proceeding last Thursday kicking off a procurement track for 2 GW of system capacity needed for renewable energy integration. Near term procurement of “renewable integration resources” will have procurement activities initiating in late 2019, early 2020 ahead of the May 2020 IRP filings. CPUC jurisdictional Load Serving Entities would need to show progress towards their proportional load-share of this procurement target in the May 2020 LSE-specific IRP filings. The procured resources must have a commercial online date of August 2021.
The June 20 Ruling also identifies mid-term and longer term priority procurement areas that include a broad list of resource types. Over the third or fourth quarters of 2019, the CPUC will refine the IRP procurement process, including the development of a backstop procurement mechanism in the event that LSE IRP filings do not satisfy the procurement target.
The IRP ruling is available here: http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M302/K942/302942332.PDF.
Contact: Brian S. Biering