Efforts Underway to Select Year-2 Communities for CARB’s Community Air Protection Program

The California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) is in the process of selecting “Year-2” communities for the Community Air Protection Program (“CAPP”). The CAPP expands community-level air monitoring and emission reduction programs pursuant to obligations in AB 617 (2017). The program’s focus is on improving air quality at the local level for communities more heavily impacted by air pollution. In 2018 (Year-1), CARB selected the first ten communities for either or both air monitoring and emission reductions programs. CARB has also approved the CAPP Blueprint for program implementation. The Blueprint establishes the requirements for community selection, community air monitoring, and development of community emission reduction programs.

For 2019, CARB staff is expected to “significantly limit the number of additional communities brought into the program” to as little as three new communities. The small expansion allows CARB to continue focusing on the foundational Year-1 communities, to develop effective emission reduction programs for these communities, and to ensure available funding for CAPP is not stretched too thin.

While few new communities are expected to be added for Year-2, the list of nominated communities is long. CARB will hold a webinar to discuss the Year-2 selection process on October 30th, and a staff report identifying the communities CARB staff will recommend to the Board for Year-2 will be issued by November 12th. The Board will consider staff’s recommendations at their December 12th and 13th meeting.

If you have any questions regarding the CAPP, or other questions on regulations and programs carries out by the California Air Resources Board, please contact ESHD attorneys Brian Biering or Chase Maxwell.