CEC Initiates New Rulemaking to Consider Changes to California’s Appliance Efficiency Regulations (Title 20)
The California Energy Commission has issued an Order Instituting Rulemaking (“OIR”) kicking off the formal process to consider amendments to California’s Appliance Efficiency Regulations, also called “Title 20”. (Docket No. 20-AAER-01.) The scope of the proceeding is currently focused on minor, “housekeeping” revisions to the existing Regulations, as opposed to bringing new appliances into the regulatory scheme for energy efficiency oversight or adopting new standards for appliance categories already regulated under Title 20. However, the “anticipated” scope includes open-ended “additional priority matters,” leaving the door open for the inclusion of proposals for new or changed standards for specific appliance categories. The OIR’s scope statement provides:
It is anticipated that this rulemaking will cover the following categories of appliances and regulatory matters:
- Self-contained lighting controls (repeal of requirements);
- Updates to data submittal requirements in section 1601 et seq. to ensure consistency with federal law;
- Clarifying and administrative changes to improve the readability and functionality of the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; and
- Additional priority matters as determined by the Lead Commissioner.
While the Energy Commission normally processes Title 20 appliance efficiency standards for specified categories of products through individual dockets, such as the newly opened docket for replacement pool pump motors (19-AAER-02), it is possible that this OIR could affect changes to Title 20 that impact specific appliance categories. Ellison Schneider Harris & Donlan actively participates in the Energy Commission’s Title 20 proceedings and assists clients in working with the Energy Commission to meet Title 20’s standards. If you have any questions or concerns regarding California’s Appliance Efficiency Regulations or the new rulemaking, please contact ESHD attorneys Chase Maxwell, Brian Biering, or Jeff Harris at 916-447-2166.