CPUC Clarifies Procedures for Direct Access Expansion
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued a new decision clarifying the process for implementing the Legislature’s decision in Senate Bill 237 to expand the opportunity for customer participation in Direct Access (DA). As described here previously (see CPUC Launches Rulemaking for Expansion of Direct Access), the CPUC opened a new rulemaking proceeding last March in response to Senate Bill 237, which raised the cap on DA capacity. On May 30 the Commission adopted Decision 19-05-043, establishing a process and schedule for enrolling customers in the DA expansion.
On August 2, the CPUC issued Decision 19-08-004, adopting revisions to the previously adopted DA notice and enrollment procedures. The latest decision grants petitions for modification by the Alliance for Retail Energy Markets, California Large Energy Consumers Association, Direct Access Customer Coalition, Shell Energy North America, and the University of California requesting two changes in the DA procedures.
First, the CPUC agreed to add language clarifying the process for sequentially notifying customers in the queue for DA service of their eligibility to opt into the DA expansion, and providing all eligible customers 15 business days after notification to enroll. Second, the CPUC clarified the process through which IOUs will issue both a preliminary report (due September 2019) identifying the customers that have notified the investor-owned utility of their intention to switch from CCA to DA service, and a final report (due on February 10, 2020) confirming the effective service date after the customer completes the process of submitting a DA Service Request form. The Commission found that these two minor modifications will “help clarify the enrollment process for the DA expansion.”
For more information regarding the above or about Direct Access in California, please contact ESHD attorneys Andy Brown or Ron Liebert.