CEC reminds California public school officials that School Bus Replacement Program application deadline is approaching
The California Energy Commission is reminding school districts and other eligible agencies that September 20 is the last date to apply for funding under the CEC’s School Bus Replacement Program. California public school districts, county offices of education, and joint power authorities qualify for grant funding to replace diesel powered school buses with new electric-powered school buses.
Up to $75 million in funding was appropriated for the program in Senate Bill 110, which charged the California Energy Commission with retrofitting or replacing old diesel school buses in disadvantaged and low-income communities throughout the Golden State. The Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVTP) will fund complementary agreements to provide charging infrastructure and workforce training and development opportunities to drivers and maintenance technicians.
The CEC has prepared an instructional video to help applicants: https://bit.ly/2zK2w8U.
Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 20, 2018. For more information, visit the School Bus Replacement Program’s webpage. Or you can contact us for more information about this and other transportation electrification incentive programs at 916-447-2166.
Lynn Haug