CARB Considers New Stationary Source Reporting Requirements
The California Air Resources Board is considering new stationary source reporting requirements for criteria pollutants and toxic emissions. The ARB is evaluating new requirements in response to the statutory direction in AB 617, a 2017 companion bill signed by Governor Brown in conjunction with the extension of the cap-and-trade program. AB 617 generally requires new reporting requirements, emissions inventories and maps, and community-focused emission reduction plans. As part of this effort, the ARB and air pollution control districts may consider new compliance measures and permit conditions for stationary sources located in or near “disadvantaged communities” as identified by CalEPA. The ARB recently announced that it will hold three workshops in Sacramento, Oakland and the San Joaquin Valley on May 30, 31 and June 5, 2018 respectively. These workshops will inform the scope and stringency of new stationary source reporting requirements. If you would like to discuss AB 617 implementation please contact Brian Biering () or Jeff Harris ().