Energy Commission Approves Clean Transportation Investment Plan Update
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has approved the 2019-2020 Investment Plan Update for the CEC’s Clean Transportation Program.
The Update earmarks a total of $95.2 million for a variety of clean transportation purposes, with an emphasis on zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure. This emphasis “reflects the state’s goals for zero-emission vehicles and fuels, near- and long-term carbon reduction, and air quality, with a focus on providing benefits for disadvantaged communities.” In the category of “Zero-Emission Vehicles and Infrastructure” $32.7 million will go to Light-Duty EV Charging Infrastructure to serve as “an aggressive near-term funding solution” to help close the gap between existing infrastructure and the goals for Level 2 and DC fast charging stations set under Executive Order B-48-18. An additional $30 million will be allocated toward charging infrastructure for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles. In addition to vehicle and infrastructure investments in this category, the CEC will “seek ways to include grid integration, integrated storage solutions, and charging management as complementary technologies.” Hydrogen refueling infrastructure will receive $20 million, the maximum allocation allowable under current law. These funds are expected to support a statewide network of up to 110 hydrogen refueling stations that will be operational by the end of 2024.
In the remaining categories, Zero- and Near Zero-Carbon Fuel Production will be allocated $10 million, and $2.5 million will go towards Workforce Development.
The Clean Transportation Program has provided nearly $830 million in the past 11 years, covering a broad spectrum of alternative fuels and technologies. The program was created by Assembly Bill 118 (Nunez, Ch. 750, Stats. 2007), and is funded from vehicle and vessel registration, vehicle identification plates, and air quality program revenues.
Ellison Schneider Harris & Donlan attorneys can provide more information about the Clean Transportation Investment Plan and other programs supporting zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure in California.
Contact Lynn Haug or Ron Liebert.