CPUC Opens New Autonomous Vehicle Rulemaking Process
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has previously established procedures for permitting and overseeing the testing of autonomous vehicle (AVs). The next phase of regulatory activity will be aimed at addressing a broader and more detailed list of regulatory issues affecting the operation and regulation of AVs in California. An ALJ Ruling was issued December 19, 2019 identifying next steps in establishing AV rules, and laying out a broad set of questions related to program goals, data reporting, definitions, permitting and safety. Parties have an opportunity to comment on questions that include:
- What changes (if any) should the CPUC make to the AV testing requirements established in Decision 18-05-043?
- Should the CPUC authorize AV fare collection?
- What information should the CPUC use to inform any changes in AV testing regulations?
- How should the CPUC incorporate safety goals into its AV regulatory framework?
- How should the CPUC address accessibility?
- Should the CPUC incorporate equity and environmental goals into its AV regulatory framework?
- What data should be collected, and how?
- What TNC rules should apply to AVs, and should the CPUC establish a new category for permitting?
- What passenger safety rules should be established for AVs?
- What insurance and vehicle safety requirements should apply to AVs?
Per a January 9 Administrative Law Judge Ruling, party comments on questions related to changes in the current AV testing rules are due January 21, 2019. Comments on the remainder of the questions are due February 10, 2019.
Contact: Lynn Haug or Ron Liebert