CEC Approves Additional Voluntary CALGreen Energy Efficiency Measures
To supplement and encourage GHG reductions beyond mandatory Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (“2022 Energy Code”), the California Energy Commission (CEC) has developed more stringent voluntary standards known as the California Green Building Standards Code (“CALGreen”). At last week’s business meeting the CEC unanimously approved Resolution 21-0930-02 adopting amendments to CALGreen (2022 CALGreen) and related informational amendments to improve the clarity and usefulness of the amendments for users. The revisions to the mandatory 2022 Energy Code were approved August 11, 2021, and will go into effect on January 1, 2023.
The voluntary standards in 2022 CALGreen are changes to model code language that serve as recommendations, examples, and templates for local governments to use in considering above-code ordinances (also known as “reach” codes) and apply to residential and nonresidential buildings. They also provide above-code measures a builder could voluntarily use to comply with and exceed the 2022 Energy Code requirements. The voluntary standards in 2022 CALGreen are designed to be cost-effective, technologically feasible and attainable. If a local jurisdiction chooses to adopt a local ordinance that requires compliance with any of these voluntary standards it must submit the local ordinance to the CEC, which must issue findings before the ordinance becomes enforceable.
Upon the CEC’s determination that 2022 CALGreen standards and informational amendments are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, they will next be submitted to the California Building Standards Commission for approval.
Contact: Lynn Haug, Jeff Harris or Chase Maxell