Looking to the next phase of its oversight and development of transportation electrification (TE) programs, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued Rulemaking 23-12-008. The new rulemaking will build on the TE framework and other policy initiatives developed in predecessor Rulemaking 18-12-006, continuing oversight of investor-owned utility (IOU) electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure programs and establishing a forum for considering future TE policy matters.
The preliminary scope of issues includes:
- Timely energization of EV charging. Implementation of the IOUs’ EV infrastructure rules, TE energization timelines, plug-in EV common treatment policy and coordination with implementation of Rules 15 and 16, which address new service extensions and distribution upgrades. Assessment of IOU resource needs, and actions needed to support timely energization. Assessment of how utility side TE investments impact ratepayer affordability and rates.
- TE grid planning to support charging
infrastructure deployment. Establishing an electric infrastructure planning framework to effectuate long-term planning and forecasting for freight and related loads, non-freight medium- and heavy-duty use cases (e.g. agriculture, ports), off-road vehicles and equipment, and non-transportation loads. Focusing on reducing emissions from communities disproportionally burdened by pollution in highly trafficked areas. Considering how to support the State’s zero-emission vehicle policy goals while balancing need for reducing ratepayer burden and achievement of other state policy goals. Continuous assessment of TE infrastructure planning needs, in coordination with other proceedings. Assessment of IOU resource needs and ratepayer impacts.
- Deployment of behind-the-meter charging infrastructure to support state goals. Considering targeted charging infrastructure deployed through IOU programs (Cycles 0-2) authorized in the TE framework decision (D.22-11-040).
- Vehicle-grid integration (VGI). Establishing goals and targets for advancement of VGI, with focus on technology enablement, rates and demand flexibility programs, and TE grid planning.
- Ongoing TE policy development and collaboration. Addressing ongoing TE policy development and/or implementation of new TE laws.
Comments on the proposed scope, schedule, and administration of R.23-12-008 are due on January 19, and reply comments are due February 5, 2024.
Contact: Lynn Haug