CEC Seeks Input on Public Charging For Electric Trucks

The California Energy Commission (CEC) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking input from industry stakeholders on how best to prioritize funding to support public charging for medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) electric trucks. Responses will help inform eligibility for distribution of funds from the CEC’s Clean Transportation Program, which provides approximately $100 million per year for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the transportation sector.

The CEC recognizes that drayage trucks and other zero-emission leased and fleet vehicles need access to public as well as depot charging, and that, for en route charging, a mix of reservation-based and first-come, first-served charging is needed. To ensure that funding is aligned with industry needs, the CEC invites responses to a series of questions, including questions addressing:

  • Factors to be considered in developing public en route charging eligibility criteria;
  • How to plan for future MDHD charging needs;
  • Whether a reservation system is needed, and how to optimally design such a system;
  • How to allocate funding for reservation versus first-come, first-served chargers amongst sites, within sites;
  • How to address driver safety, equipment protection issues; and
  • What, if any, standardization or communication protocol issues should be considered.

RFI responses are due January 24, 2025, and should be submitted electronically.

Contact: Lynn Haug